Feeding the Gulf Coast

On Tuesday, May 9, members of the White-Spunner Construction team spent the morning at Feeding the Gulf Coast, a local food bank and nonprofit organization that serves 24-counties throughout South Alabama, South Mississippi, and the Florida Panhandle. Feeding the Gulf Coast partners with more than 400 agencies throughout its 24-county region to distribute 30 million pounds of food annually.

Our team members volunteered to sort food in preparation for distribution to those in need. This included checking expiration dates, making sure cans were not rusty or missing labels, and boxing similar items together so that partner organizations could better stock their pantries. After three hours of work, WSC’s team had sorted approximately 4,391 pounds of food, which will provide 3,659 meals to those in need.

White-Spunner Construction is thankful for organizations like Feeding the Gulf Coast that provide much needed services to those who need them the most.

To learn more about White-Spunner’s community involvement, visit our
In the Community page.